Thomas Montt, Sea Captain
Thomas is a born sailor from Patagonia, Chile. He was raised in Dalcahue, a small fishing town in the island of Chiloe, that serves main port for the more than thirty islands that compose the Archipiélago de Chiloé, known until recently, by its main activity: artisanal fishing, and non industrial fisheries. In recent years, Thomas homeland has been taken over the salmon industry, impacting nature all around. The salmon industry has been the epicenter of one of the most damaging industries for the sea world, impacting deeply on Chiloe’s and surrounding islands. Being a witness to such change and damage, it motivated Thomas to become an advocate for marine conservation and the natural world.
While studying civil construction at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago, he participated as captain in various collaborations with Woodshole, BBC, Discovery Channel, Cornell University, Melimoyu, Meri, Centro Ballena Azul, among others, sailing throughout the wildest and unexplored island of Patagonia.
He has had the privilege to work and learn from some of the best marine biologist, wildlife filmmakers, divers, and geographers.